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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Stephen J. Page |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Objective To determine the immediate effect of a portable, myoelectric elbow-wrist-hand orthosis on paretic upper extremity (UE) impairment in chronic, stable, moderately impaired stroke survivors. Design Observational cohort study. Setting O[...]Article
OBJECTIVE. To determine the feasibility and impact of home-based, mental practicetriggered electrical stimulation among stroke survivors exhibiting moderate upper-extremity (UE) impairment. METHOD. Five participants with moderate, stable UE hem[...]Article
Importance: Occupational therapists are the primary clinicians tasked with management of the more affected upper extremity (UE) after stroke. However, there is a paucity of efficacious, easy-to-use, inexpensive interventions to increase poststro[...]Article
"Objective To determine retention of upper extremity (UE) motor changes 3 months after participation in a regimen in which subjects with moderate UE hemiparesis engaged in repetitive task-specific training using an electrical stimulation neuropr[...]Article
Objective To determine the impact of repetitive task-specific practice (RTP) integrating electrical stimulation and behavioral supports on upper extremity (UE) impairment, gross manual dexterity, and paretic UE amount and quality of use in chro[...]Article
Objectives To determine (1) the relationship between lesion volume and upper extremity (UE) motor impairment using the UE section of the Fugl-Meyer (FM) assessment; and (2) the relationship between lesion volume and UE functional outcomes using[...]