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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Ta-Shen Kuan |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Objective To compare the effects of 2 different injection sites of low doses of botulinum toxin type A with steroid in treating lateral epicondylalgia. Design Double-blind, randomized, active drug-controlled trial. Setting Tertiary medical ce[...]Article
Hsiu-Yun Hsu ; Ta-Shen Kuan ; Ching-Liang Tsai ; Po-Ting Wu ; Yao-Lung Kuo ; Fong-Chin Su ; Li-Chieh Kuo |Objective To investigate the effects of perturbation-based pinch task training on the sensorimotor performance of the upper extremities of patients with chronic stroke via a novel vibrotactile therapy system. Design A single-blinded randomi[...]Article
Objectives To investigate the reliability and validity of a modified pinch apparatus devised with 3 surface textures and 2 different weights for clinical application. Design Case-controlled study. Setting A university hospital. Parti[...]Article
Objectives To comprehend the merits of a Manual Tactile Test (MTT) in assessing hand sensorimotor functions by exploring the relations among 3 subtests along with the precision pinch performances for patients with peripheral nerve injuries (PNI[...]