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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Jennifer A. Dunn |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Objectives To quantify time from spinal cord injury to upper limb reconstructive surgery for individuals with tetraplegia; to explore influences on decision-making about surgery for persons with long-standing (> 10y) tetraplegia; and to determi[...]Article
Objective This study aims to develop a patient-reported outcome measure that focuses on relevant daily activities relying on upper extremity for individuals with tetraplegia. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Spinal cord injury unit[...]Article
Reconstructive arm/hand surgery for tetraplegia is performed to improve arm/hand function and therefore personal well-being for individuals who accept such elective surgeries. However, changes at an impairment level do not always translate into [...]Article
Objective To describe and evaluate the rehabilitation concept after posterior deltoid to triceps transfer in patients with tetraplegia. Design Retrospective observational study. Setting Rehabilitation units. Participants Patients with tetrap[...]Article
Objective To test reliability, construct validity and responsiveness of the Tetraplegia Upper Limb Activities Questionnaire (TUAQ), a patient-reported outcome measure that assesses perceived performance and satisfaction with 10 standardized act[...]Article
After cervical spinal cord injury, the loss of upper limb function is common. This affects an individual's ability to perform activities of daily living and participate in previous life roles. There are surgical procedures that can restore some [...]