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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Jennifer A. Bogner |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Objective To integrate previous approaches to scoring the Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective (PART-O) in a unidimensional scale. Design Retrospective analysis of PART-O data from the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems. [...]Article : Périodique
Risa Nakase-Richardson ; Jeanne M. Hoffman ; Ulysses J. Magalang ; Emily Almeida ; Daniel J. Schwartz ; Leah Drasher-Phillips ; Jessica M. Ketchum ; John Whyte ; Jennifer A. Bogner ; Clara E. Dismuke-Greer |Objective To describe the cost benefit of 4 different approaches to screening for sleep apnea in a cohort of participants with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) receiving inpatient rehabilitation from the payors perspective. D[...]