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Auteur Rob de Bie |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
trié(s) par (Pertinence décroissant(e), Titre croissant(e)) Affiner la recherche
Daniel Riese ; Jan Kool ; Judith Sieben ; Rob de Bie |Objectives To determine the effect of 1-h education session, compared with no education, on physiotherapists' (PTs) inter-rater reliability in two lumbar spine motor control tests (MCTs): waiter's bow (WB) and sitting knee extension (SKE). To de[...]Article
Objectives To quantify differences in active cervical range of motion (aCROM) between patients with neck pain and those without neck pain, in patients with whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) and nontraumatic neck pain, and in patients with ac[...]