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Auteur Ross Zafonte |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Donna Huang ; Sameer Siddiqui ; Chloé S. Sclocum ; Richard Goldstein ; Ross Zafonte ; Jeffrey C. Schneider |Objective To examine whether commonly used comorbidity indexes (Deyo-Charlson comorbidity index, Elixhauser comorbidity index, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS] comorbidity tiers) capture comorbidities in the acute traumati[...]Article
Objective To investigate the neurobehavioral pattern of recovery of consciousness as reflected by performance on the subscales of the Coma Recovery ScaleRevised (CRS-R). Design Retrospective item response theory (IRT) and factor analysis. Set[...]Article
Objective To estimate Spinal Cord Injury Functional Index Assistive Technology (SCI-FI/AT) scores from FIM motor items. Design Secondary data analysis. Setting Fourteen Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS) programs. Participants [...]Article
Adam G. Lamm ; Richard Goldstein ; Chloe S. Slocum ; Julie K. Silver ; David C. Grabowski ; Jeffrey C. Schneider ; Ross Zafonte |Objective To describe differences in characteristics and outcomes of patients with traumatic brain injury by inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) profit status. Design Retrospective database review using the Uniform Data System for Med[...]Article
Paul B. Perrin ; Daniel W. Klyce ; Lauren B. Fisher ; Shannon B. Juengst ; Flora M. Hammond ; Kelli W. Gary ; Janet P. Niemeier ; Thomas F. Bergquist ; Charles H. Bombardier ; Amanda R. Rabinowitz ; Ross Zafonte |Objective To investigate relative causality in relations among suicidal ideation (SI), depressive symptoms, and functional independence over the first 10 years after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Design Prospective longitudinal design with [...]Article
Cristina Shea ; Chloe Slocum ; Richard Goldstein ; Mary Joan Roach ; Russell Griffin ; Yuying Chen ; Ross Zafonte |Objective To investigate whether initial emergency department physiological measures and metrics of trauma severity predict functional outcomes and neurologic recovery in traumatic spinal cord injury. Design Retrospective analysis of a clin[...]Article
Jennifer Coker ; Jeffrey C. Berliner ; Amanda Botticello ; Thomas N. Bryce ; Susan Charlifue ; David Chen ; David Estrada ; Kimberley R. Monden ; Heather Taylor ; Ross Zafonte ; Jeanne M. Zanca |Objective To characterize the use of complementary and integrative health care (CIH) by people with spinal cord injury. Design Cross-sectional self-report study. Setting Participants were recruited from 5 Spinal Cord Injury Model System[...]