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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Helena C. Frawley |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Objectives To understand the attributes of expert physiotherapy continence clinicians and how they compare to novices in relation to experience, knowledge, capability and skills in pelvic floor rehabilitation. Design Qualitative methods wer[...]Article
Deenika R. Benjamin ; Helena C. Frawley ; Nora Shields ; Casey L. Peiris ; Alexander T.M. van de Water ; Andrea M. Bruder ; Nicholas F. Taylor |Background Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle (DRAM) commonly occurs in pregnancy and postnatally. Physiotherapists routinely guide women in its management, although the effectiveness of these treatments is unknown. Objectives To determine[...]Article
Background: Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle is often evaluated in clinical practice but it is unknown which clinical method has the best measurement properties. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine: (i) the criterion val[...]Article
Background Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle (DRAM) is common during and after pregnancy. Objectives To determine the association between: the presence of DRAM and low back pain, lumbo-pelvic pain, incontinence, pelvic organ prolap[...]Article
Objective To determine the effectiveness of trigger point manual therapy (TPMT) for reducing chronic noncancer pain and associated problems in adults, by analyzing all relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Data Sources We searched data[...]