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Auteur Ewertton de Souza Bezerra |
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Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Lucas Bet da Rosa Orssatto ; Leonardo C. Werlang ; Arthur Miranda Generoso ; Gabriel Moraes ; Raphael Luiz Sakugawa |Purpose: To compare the use of three variations of push-ups: traditional (stable surface), performed with hands on the Swiss ball (Swiss ball-hands), and performed with feet on the Swiss ball (Swiss ball-feet) on surface electromyography acti[...]Article
Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Fernando Diefenthaeler ; Raphael Luiz Sakugawa ; Eduardo Lusa Cadore ; Mikel Izquierdo ; Antônio Renato Pereira Moro |The purpose of the present study was to investigate the volume-dependence of upper-body strength performance improvement and the retention effects after detraining in aging adults. Eighteen healthy, untrained, middle-aged volunteers were randomi[...]Article
Lucas Bet da Rosa Orssatto, Auteur ; Ewertton de Souza Bezerra, Auteur ; Bruno Monteiro de Moura, Auteur |The aims of this pilot study were to verify which muscle strength tests better explain bone mineral content (BMC) of the femoral neck and lumbar spine and to develop predictive equations to estimate femoral neck and lumbar spine BMC. Twenty-nine[...]Article
Wagner Jorge Ribeiro Domingues ; Antonio Henrique Germano-Soares ; Bruno R. Cavalcante ; Rinaldo Ramos Matias da Silva ; Pollyana Mayara Nunhes ; Gustavo Marçal Gonçalves da Silva ; Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Nórton Luís Oliveira ; José Manuel Fernandes Oliveira |Aims: To investigate the effects of a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises and the inverse sequence on the hemodynamic parameters and indicators of arterial stiffness in healthy young adult subjects. Methods: Fifteen subjects wer[...]