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Auteur Raphael Luiz Sakugawa |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Morgana Lunardi ; Raphael Luiz Sakugawa ; Fernando Diefenthaeler |Introduction The present study aimed to analyze the acute effects of a myofascial release session (MFR) with a portable electric massager (PEM) at different frequencies (25 Hz and 52 Hz) on the superficial and deep fascial motion. Methods The li[...]Article
Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Lucas Bet da Rosa Orssatto ; Leonardo C. Werlang ; Arthur Miranda Generoso ; Gabriel Moraes ; Raphael Luiz Sakugawa |Purpose: To compare the use of three variations of push-ups: traditional (stable surface), performed with hands on the Swiss ball (Swiss ball-hands), and performed with feet on the Swiss ball (Swiss ball-feet) on surface electromyography acti[...]Article
Ewertton de Souza Bezerra ; Fernando Diefenthaeler ; Raphael Luiz Sakugawa ; Eduardo Lusa Cadore ; Mikel Izquierdo ; Antônio Renato Pereira Moro |The purpose of the present study was to investigate the volume-dependence of upper-body strength performance improvement and the retention effects after detraining in aging adults. Eighteen healthy, untrained, middle-aged volunteers were randomi[...]Article
Lucas Bet da Rosa Orssatto, Auteur ; Bruno Monteiro de Moura, Auteur ; Raphael Luiz Sakugawa, Auteur |The aim of this study was to investigate whether 12 weeks of leg press strength training exercise could affect the conventional and functional hamstring:quadriceps ratios in the elderly. Twelve elderly participants were submitted to a 12 week pr[...]