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Auteur Lee Herrington |
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Objectives To examine the relationship between gluteal muscle activity and strength and knee and hip biomechanics during single leg loading tasks. Design Correlation study. Setting University Biomechanics laboratory. Participan[...]Article
Objectives To determine whether differences in landing force and asymmetry of landing force exist between gymnasts at the time of data collection versus those that subsequently experienced an ankle injury 12-months later. Study design Prosp[...]Article
"Objective To evaluate landing strategies of female football and basketball athletes with relation to possible injury mechanisms and disparity in injury. Design Descriptive laboratory study. Participants 52 female football players and 41 female [...]Article
Objectives Establish the concurrent validity between 2D video analysis and 3D motion analysis of frontal plane lower limb movements during multidirectional landing tasks. Design Correlation study. Setting University Biomechanics labor[...]Article
Lee Herrington, Auteur |Objective To determine if Q angle changes in magnitude from bilateral stance when compared to unilateral stance and then if they are significantly different changes related to the presence of patellofemoral joint pain. Design Observational cor[...]Article
Background Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a major source of knee pain. Identifying who may develop PFP is of paramount importance. Purpose To assess whether Frontal plane projection angles (FPPA) and hand held dynamometry (HHD) strength measures c[...]Article
Objectives Guidelines for a comprehensive rehabilitation programme for patellofemoral pain (PFP) have been developed by international experts. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of such a rehabilitative exercise programme on pain[...]Article
Lee Herrington, Auteur ; Gregory D. Myer, Auteur ; Allan Munro, Auteur |Objective To assess the inter-tester and intra-tester reliability of the tuck jump test. Design Repeated measures. Setting University Human Performance laboratory. Participants Five male and 5 female athletes undertook the Tuck jump[...]Article
Lee Herrington, Auteur ; Gregory D. Myer, Auteur ; Ian Horsley, Auteur |Anterior Cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common and devastating knee injuries sustained whilst participating in sport. ACL reconstruction (ACLR) remains the standard approach for athletes who aim to return to high level spor[...]Article
Objective To assess the effect of a tackling task replicating the force magnitudes and directions seen in a competitive game or training session, on a players shoulder joint position sense. Design Repeated measures design. Setting Field base[...]