Communauté Vinci
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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Rubens A. Da Silva |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Larissa A. de Castro ; Josiane M. Felcar ; Débora R. de Carvalho ; Laís S. Vidotto ; Rubens A. Da Silva ; Fabio Pitta ; Vanessa S. Probst |Objective To investigate the effects of water-based exercise training on postural balance in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and compare the effects of two similar protocols of land- and water-based exercise pro[...]Article
Helen Katharine Christofel ; Helen Katharine Christofel ; Rubens A. Da Silva ; Fabio Henrique Masser El Afch ; Lougan Escobar da Silva ; Ovídia Ignêz Pires ; Ligia Megumi Iida ; Luciana Prado Maia ; Rodrigo Antonio Carvalho Andraus |It has been demonstrated that Kinesio Tape (KT) application has immediate positive effects on balance in healthy individuals, but its mid-term effects have not yet been investigated. Objective Evaluate the effects of KT on postural control in yo[...]Article
Abstract Sensory motor training programs are used in the rehabilitation and prevention of injuries among soccer players. Inconsistencies are found in the literature regarding the duration of the protocols and the exercises and equipment used. [...]