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Auteur Amy Jo Lamb |
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The article presents a discussion of the bold action that occupational therapists (OT) can take to create meaningful change, adapted from the Farewell Presidential Address of Amy J. Lamb presented at the 2019 American Occupational Therapy Associ[...]Article
Andrew C. Persch, Auteur ; Amy Jo Lamb, Auteur ; Christine A. METZLER, Auteur |Healthy habits is a psychoeducational construct that refers to the preventive practice of analyzing and then adapting the sleep, physical, and eating routines of children in ways that enhance health and well-being. This approach is based on evid[...]Article
Occupational therapy practitioners can embrace the distinct value of occupational therapy by harnessing the power of authenticity in our daily practice. Practitioners, educators, students, and researchers being true to our core values, as well a[...]