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Auteur Sheama Krishnagiri |
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Importance: Artifacts convey essential skills, tools, and concepts to students. Studies of artifacts can therefore illumine priorities for learning. Objective: To describe the skills, tools, and concepts that assignment artifacts required stud[...]Article
Sheama Krishnagiri, Auteur ; Barb Hooper, Auteur ; Pollie Price, Auteur |BJECTIVE. Occupation is considered core and threshold knowledge for occupational therapy, yet how it is conveyed through education is not well understood. This study examined how the concept of occupation was taught in occupational therapy and o[...]Article
Importance: Occupational therapy practitioners' professional identities and distinctive contributions to health care connect essentially to their knowledge of occupation. Thus, the strategies educators use to convey occupation to students and th[...]Article
Importance: Occupational therapy students must master knowledge of occupation, yet how educators assess such knowledge has not been explored. In this study, we elucidate robust assessment practices that can help students master knowledge of occu[...]Article
Pollie Price, Auteur ; Barb Hooper, Auteur ; Sheama Krishnagiri, Auteur |OBJECTIVE. The concept of occupation is core to learning occupational therapy, yet how occupation is taught has not been widely studied. We explored how occupation is addressed in 25 U.S. occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant[...]