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Auteur Lorimer G. Moseley |
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Felicity A. Braithwaite ; Julie Lynette Walters ; Lorimer G. Moseley ; Marie T. Williams ; Maureen McEvoy |Objective Complex physical interventions are widely used in physiotherapy, despite doubts over the validity of clinical trial results due to lack of credible shams. Credible shams are critically needed, so too, therefore, is a process by which [...]Article
Nick A. Olthof ; Daniel S. Harvie ; Courtney Henderson ; Brendan Thompson ; Robert Sharp ; Lauren Craig-Ward ; Jeroen D. Weermeijer ; Michele Sterlling ; Lorimer G. Moseley ; Michel W. Coppieters |Background: Clinical tools assessing tactile acuity in people with persistent pain have limitations. Therefore, a novel and semi-automated tool was developed: The Imprint Tactile Acuity Device (iTAD). Aim: To describe the iTAD prototype and p[...]Article
John Booth ; Lorimer G. Moseley ; Marcus Schiltenwolf ; Aidan Cashin ; Michael Davies ; Markus Hübscher ; Christophe Demoulin |Les douleurs musculosquelettiques chroniques font référence aux douleurs osseuses, articulaires et tissulaires qui persistent depuis plus de 3 mois. Dans ces affections, il est communément admis que les dysfonctions secondaires ou les conséquenc[...]Livre
Nous savons aujourdhui que le fait de mieux comprendre pourquoi les choses font mal peut réellement aider les gens à maîtriser leur douleur. Les dernières avancées scientifiques dans les champs de la neurophysiologie, de limagerie cérébrale, d[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
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Background: Implicit motor imagery performance is altered in a variety of chronic pain conditions, but it is not known whether this is the case in shoulder pain. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess implicit motor imagery performan[...]Article
Felicity A. Braithwaite ; Julie Lynette Walters ; Lorimer G. Moseley ; Marie T. Williams ; Maureen McEvoy |Objectives Dry needling is widely used in physiotherapy. Lack of blinding in clinical trials means that dry needling effects and mechanisms remain unclear, with blinding issues accepted as an unavoidable barrier to better evidence. The authors [...]Article
Felicity A. Braithwaite ; Julie Lynette Walters ; Lorimer G. Moseley ; Marie T. Williams ; Maureen McEvoy |Objectives Sham-controlled trials of dry needling, a popular treatment for pain, use a range of methods and theoretical frameworks and most have high risk of bias. Critically, patient blinding is often unsuccessful and therapist blinding has no[...]