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Auteur Fred H. Bess |
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DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_425_0005 A Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
Audiology 3/e, Author(s):, Bess, Summary:, Designed for students in audiology, speech-language pathology and special education, this introductory level text begins with an emphasis on the fundamentals and then guides students to more complex top[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_425_0005 B Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
Objective Well-being is influenced by the activities we undertake. Hearing loss may reduce well-being directly through increased listening-related fatigue due to cognitive and emotional strain in challenging situations. Hearing loss and hearing[...]Article
Benjamin W.Y. Hornsby ; Stephen Camarata ; Sun-Joo Cho ; Hilary Davis ; Ronan McGarrigle ; Fred H. Bess |Objectives: Listening-related fatigue can be a significant problem for adults who struggle to hear and understand, particularly adults with hearing loss. However, valid, sensitive, and clinically useful measures for listening-related fatigue do [...]Livre
Foundations of Pediatric Audiology, Fred H. Bess, Ph.D. and Judith S. Gravel, Ph.D., ISBN 1-59756-108-8. US$89.95 £57.50 AU$140.00, ABOUT THE BOOK, This long-awaited book is a compilation of readings representing the basis for the practice of pe[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité L_425_2015 Livre Ixelles Mezzanine Prêt autorisé
Hilary Davisa ; David Schlundt ; Kemberlee Bonnet ; Stephen Camarata ; Fred H. Bess ; Benjamin W.Y. Hornsby |Objective Adults with hearing loss (AHL) often report feeling fatigued after being in situations that require prolonged listening, an experience referred to as listening-related fatigue. We conducted focus groups to identify key domains and con[...]