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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Sandra Gordon-Salant |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Emily A. Waddington ; Brittany N. Jaekel ; Anna R. Tinnemore ; Sandra Gordon-Salant ; Matthew J. Goupell |Objectives: When auditory and visual speech information are presented together, listeners obtain an audiovisual (AV) benefit or a speech understanding improvement compared with auditory-only (AO) or visual-only (VO) presentations. Cochlear-impla[...]Article
Objectives: Cochlear implant (CI) signal processing degrades the spectral components of speech. This requires CI users to rely primarily on temporal cues, specifically, amplitude modulations within the temporal envelope, to recognize speech. Aud[...]Article
This summary article commences with an overview of limitations in speech understanding of older listeners in challenging listening situations. Recent studies are reviewed that examine sources of the speech understanding problems of older listene[...]