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Auteur Tammy Hopper |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

H. Isabel Hubbard, Auteur ; Sara K. Mamo, Auteur ; Tammy Hopper, Auteur |Hearing loss is common among typically aging older adults and those with dementia. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the relationship between hearing and cognition among older adults, and in hearing loss as a modifiable risk [...]Article
Piers Dawes ; Jenna Littlejohna ; Anthea Bott ; Siobhan Brennan ; Simon Burrow ; Tammy Hopper ; Emma Scanlan |Hearing impairment commonly co-occurs with dementia. Audiologists, therefore, need to be prepared to address the specific needs of people living with dementia (PwD). PwD have needs in terms of dementia-friendly clinical settings, assessments, an[...]Article
La présente étude visait à sonder lopinion des orthophonistes travaillant au Canada ayant indiqué offrir des services aux personnes âgées ou aux adultes ayant des troubles de la communication dorigine neurologique et de la déglutition. Le sond[...]