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Auteur Esther Ngan |
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Angelle M. Sander ; Kelsey Christensen ; Karina Loyo ; Michael Williams ; Luis Leon-Novelo ; Esther Ngan ; Stephanie Agtarap ; Aaron M. Martin ; Dawn Neumann ; Flora M. Hammond ; Robin Hanks ; Jeanne Hoffman |Objective To investigate catastrophizing and self-efficacy for managing pain among Non-Hispanic Whites, Non-Hispanic Blacks, and Hispanics with chronic pain after traumatic brain injury (TBI), and whether coping interacts with race/ethnicity to [...]Article
Leia Vos ; Esther Ngan ; Luis Leon Novelo ; Michael W. Williams ; Flora M. Hammond ; William C. Walker ; Allison N. Clark ; Andrea P. Ochoa Lopez ; Shannon B. Juengst ; Mark Sherer |Objective To identify key variables that could predict risk of loss to follow-up (LTFU) in a nationally funded longitudinal database of persons with traumatic brain injury. Design Secondary analysis of a prospective longitudinal cohort stud[...]Article
Objective The first aim of this study was to develop a Rasch-based crosswalk between 2 postconcussive symptom measures, the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI) and the Rivermead Postconcussive Symptom Questionnaire (RPQ). The second goal [...]