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Auteur Adam G. Culvenor |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Thomas J. West ; Andrea M. Bruder ; Kay M. Crossley ; Michael A. Girdwood ; Mark J. Scholes ; Laura K. To ; Jamon L. Couch ; Sebastian C.S. Evans ; Melissa J. Haberfield ; Christian J. Barton ; Ewa M. Roos ; Alysha De Livera ; Adam G. Culvenor |Objective To explore if one-leg rise test performance is associated with quadriceps strength following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Design Cross-sectional. Participants 100 individuals (50 females, 50 males) aged 18?40 years[...]Article
Michael A. Girdwood ; Brooke E. Patterson ; Kay M. Crossley ; Ali Guermazi ; Tim S. Whitehead ; Hayden G. Morris ; Ebonie K. Rio ; Adam G. Culvenor |Introduction Following ACL reconstruction (ACLR), deficits in hip muscle strength and relationships to future outcomes are unknown. Methods 111 participants one year after ACLR, completed hip external rotation (ER) and internal rotation (IR) str[...]Article
Anthony G. Schache ; Prasanna Sritharan ; Kay M. Crossley ; Luke G. Perraton ; Adam L. Bryant ; Hayden G. Morris ; Timothy S. Whitehead ; Adam G. Culvenor |Objective To test whether quadriceps strength is associated with measures of patellofemoral (PF) joint loading during running and hopping in people after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Design Cross-sectional study. Setting [...]Article
Objectives To determine whether knee confidence, fear of movement, psychological readiness to return-to-sport or pain are associated with patient-reported and performance-based function and return to pivoting sport in individuals one-year aft[...]