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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Ana Carla Lima Nunes |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Débora Fortes Marizeiro ; Ana Carolina Lins Florêncio ; Ana Carla Lima Nunes ; Nataly Gurgel Campos ; Pedro Olavo de Paula Lima |Background: Although diaphragmatic myofascial release techniques are widely used in clinical practice, few studies have evaluated the simultaneous acute effects of these techniques on the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. Objective: To e[...]Article
Fabianna Resende de Jesus-Moraleida ; Marina Carvalho Arruda Barreto ; Jessika Karoline de Castro Lima ; Ney Meziat-Filho ; Ana Carla Lima Nunes |To identify the beliefs and attitudes of students in four health courses about chronic low back pain (CLBP) management, and to investigate personal and undergraduate training-related factors associated with their beliefs. Methods: Cross-sectiona[...]