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Auteur Rachel Proffitt |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Objective To investigate the efficacy of virtual reality (VR)- and gaming-based interventions for improving upper extremity function poststroke, and to examine demographic and treatment-related factors that may moderate treatment response. D[...]Article
Rachel Proffitt ; Anna E. Boone ; Olivia Schaffer ; Madison Strickland ; Lea Wood ; Timothy J. Wolf |Systematic Review Briefs provide a summary of the findings from systematic reviews developed in conjunction with the American Occupational Therapy Association's Evidence-Based Practice Program. Each Systematic Review Brief summarizes the evidenc[...]Article
Rachel Proffitt ; Anna E. Boone ; Elizabeth G. Hunter ; Olivia Schaffer ; Madison Strickland ; Lea Wood ; Timothy J. Wolf |Importance: Sustaining a stroke frequently leads to difficulties in returning to work, leisure, and social participation. These outcomes are important for occupational therapy practitioners to address. Objective: To determine the current evidenc[...]Article
Rachel Proffitt ; Anna E. Boone ; Olivia Schaffer ; Madison Strickland ; Lea Wood ; Timothy J. Wolf |Systematic Review Briefs provide a summary of the findings from systematic reviews developed in conjunction with the American Occupational Therapy Association's Evidence-Based Practice Program. Each Systematic Review Brief summarizes the evidenc[...]Livre
Florence A. Clark ; Jeanine Blanchard ; Alix G. Sleight ; Alison M. Cogan ; Lucia Florindez ; Sarah Gleason ; Rebecca Heymann ; Valérie Hill ; Alexis Holden ; Molly Murphy ; Rachel Proffitt ; Stacey Schepens Niemec ; Cheryl Vigen | Ottawa, Toronto (Canada) : Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes | 2015Le programme Remodeler sa vie® vise à permettre aux participants dintégrer, dans leur routine de vie quotidienne, des activités durables, satisfaisantes sur le plan personnel et bénéfiques pour leur santé. Le manuel Remodeler sa vie® est un gui[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
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