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Auteur Brendan P. O'Connell |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Michael W. Canfarotta ; Margaret T. Dillon ; Emily Buss ; Harold C. Pillsbury ; Kevin D. Brown ; Brendan P. O'Connell |Objectives: The spatial position of a cochlear implant (CI) electrode array affects the spectral cues provided to the recipient. Differences in cochlear size and array length lead to substantial variability in angular insertion depth (AID) acros[...]Article
Michael W. Canfarotta ; Christopher K. Giardina ; Emily Buss ; Brendan P. O'Connell ; Kevin D. Brown ; Margaret T. Dillon ; Meredith A. Rooth ; Harold C. Pillsbury ; Craig A. Buchman ; Oliver Adunka ; Douglas C. Fitzpatrick |Objectives: Electrocochleography (ECochG), obtained before the insertion of a cochlear implant (CI) array, provides a measure of residual cochlear function that accounts for a substantial portion of variability in postoperative speech perception[...]