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Auteur Juliana F.W. Cohen |
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Background During 2010, the US Department of Agriculture updated the school meals standards, including three progressively decreasing sodium targets. The Target 1 standards went into effect in 2014, but during 2018, the US Department of Agricul[...]Article
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 required the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to create updated school meal and competitive food standards that aligned with the concurrent (2010) version of the Dietary Guidelines for America[...]Article
Melissa J. Slotnick ; Jennifer Falbe ; Juliana F.W. Cohen ; Ashley N. Gearhardt ; Julia A. Wolfson ; Cindy W. Leung |Background Red meat production is a leading contributor to food-related greenhouse gas emissions. Decreasing red meat intake can mitigate climate change and lower risk of diet-related diseases. Objective The goal of this study is to evaluate uni[...]Article
Juliana F.W. Cohen ; Michael Scott ; Melanie Sutton ; Katie Cueva ; Eleanor T. Shonkoff ; Roberta E. Goldman ; Deborah N. Margolis ; Ann E. Potempa ; Karol Fink ; Sarah Gustus ; Mark Stock |Background There are currently no national standards for lunch period lengths or physical activity in schools. Research is needed to better understand the impact of school initiatives that improve policies related to lunch and movement opportuni[...]Article
Deborah A. Olarte ; Mark Stock ; Melanie Sutton ; Michael Scott ; Pamela A. Koch ; Sarah Gustus ; Juliana F.W. Cohen |Background Teachers are uniquely poised to support students? healthy eating habits and physical activity. However, research is needed to examine the successes and challenges teachers face when implementing a school wellness initiative. The purpo[...]Article
Deborah A. Olarte ; Joshua Petimar ; Peter James ; Kristen Cooksey-Stowers ; Sean B. Cash ; Eric B. Rimm ; Christina D. Economos ; Marlaina Rohmann ; Jeffrey C. Blossom ; Yuting Chen ; Rinki Deo ; Juliana F.W. Cohen |Background : More than one-third of children and adolescents consume foods from quick-service restaurants (QSRs) daily, which is associated with an increased risk of diet-related adverse health conditions. Objective : To examine trends in the [...]