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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Eleanor T. Shonkoff |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Juliana F.W. Cohen ; Michael Scott ; Melanie Sutton ; Katie Cueva ; Eleanor T. Shonkoff ; Roberta E. Goldman ; Deborah N. Margolis ; Ann E. Potempa ; Karol Fink ; Sarah Gustus ; Mark Stock |Background There are currently no national standards for lunch period lengths or physical activity in schools. Research is needed to better understand the impact of school initiatives that improve policies related to lunch and movement opportuni[...]Article
Eleanor T. Shonkoff ; Erin Hennessy ; Ken Chui ; Julie E. Gervis ; Emilia Matthews ; Sarah Amin ; Peter Bakun ; Susan B. Roberts ; Michelle Borges ; Jessica Martino ; Christina D. Economos |Background Development of methods to accurately measure dietary intake in free-living situationsrestaurants or otherwiseis critically needed to understand overall dietary patterns. Objective This study aimed to develop and test reliability [...]