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Auteur Anelise Sonza |
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Mayane dos Santos Amorim ; Larissa Sinhorim ; Janaína Wagner ; Francisco de Paula Lemos ; Robert Schleip ; Anelise Sonza ; Gilmar Moraes Santos |Background and purpose Nonspecific neck pain (NNP) is a common idiopathic disorder in the general population that affects the trapezius muscle (TM) and blood supply, thereby compromising the fascial system. Myofascial reorganization (MR) is a ph[...]Article
Ana Inês Gonzáles ; Gabriella Lavarda do Nascimento ; Amanda da Silva ; Mario Bernardo-Filho ; Danúbia da Cunha de Sá-Caputo ; Anelise Sonza |Background Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are an important public health problem, representing about 45% of deaths in the world. Its management is linked to medications, changes in lifestyle, and physical exercise, with the whole-body vibration [...]