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Auteur Sarah Michiels |
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Tinnitus can be influenced by changes in somatosensory afference from the cervical spine or temporomandibular area, then called somatosensory or somatic tinnitus (ST). In 2018, a new set of diagnostic criteria for ST was agreed upon by a large g[...]Article
Sarah Michiels ; Emilie Cardon ; Annick Gilles ; Hazel Goedhart ; Markku Vesala ; Vincent Van Rompaey ; Paul Van de Heyning ; Winfried Schlee |Background: Somatosensory or somatic tinnitus (ST) is a type of tinnitus where changes in somatosensory afference from the cervical spine or temporomandibular area alter the tinnitus perception. Very recently, the diagnostic value of a set of 16[...]