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Auteur F. Lucia |
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F. Lucia ; O. Miranda ; U. Schick ; V. Bourbonne ; L. Duvergé |Brachytherapy (BT), a type of focal cancer radiation therapy, delivers a highly focused dose of radiation to localized tumors, sparing surrounding normal tissue. Brachytherapy has been used to treat gynecologic malignancies, particularly cervica[...]Article
F. Lucia ; O. Miranda ; V. Bourbonne ; E. Martin ; O. Pradier ; U. Schick |Functional imaging allows the evaluation of numerous biological properties that could be considered at all steps of the therapeutic management of patients treated with brachytherapy. Indeed, it enables better initial staging of the disease, and [...]Article
Objectifs La radiothérapie et les thérapies ciblées occupent une place majeure dans la prise en charge des cancers. Malheureusement, les données de toxicité et defficacité concernant leur association sont ténues et non centralisées. Ainsi, nou[...]Article
G. Dissaux ; S. Josset ; F. Thillays ; F. Lucia ; V. Bourbonne ; O. Pradier ; David Pasquier ; J. Biau |We present the updated recommendations of the French Society for Radiation Oncology on benign intracranial tumours. Most of them are meningiomas, vestibular schwannomas, pituitary adenomas, craniopharyngiomas, and glomus tumours. Some grow very [...]Article
Radiotherapy remains an important treatment modality for patients with chest malignancies; this is particularly true in patients with breast cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma as well as lung, esophageal, and other mediastinal tumors. More than half of[...]