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Auteur Jennifer Coker |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur
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Objective To recommend a cut-off score for the brief 2-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-2) measure for persons with spinal cord injuries/disorders (PwSCI/D) and to estimate anxiety occurrence within this population using the full 7-item Ge[...]Article
Kimberley R. Monden ; Jennifer Coker ; Susan Charlifue ; Stephanie J. Bennett ; Christina Draganich ; David Coons ; Ralph J. Marino ; Jeffrey Berliner |Objective To explore participants experiences after implantation of a diaphragmatic pacing system (DPS). Design Cross-sectional, observational study using self-report questionnaires. Setting Participants were recruited from 6 Spinal Co[...]Article
Jennifer Coker ; Jeffrey C. Berliner ; Amanda Botticello ; Thomas N. Bryce ; Susan Charlifue ; David Chen ; David Estrada ; Kimberley R. Monden ; Heather Taylor ; Ross Zafonte ; Jeanne M. Zanca |Objective To characterize the use of complementary and integrative health care (CIH) by people with spinal cord injury. Design Cross-sectional self-report study. Setting Participants were recruited from 5 Spinal Cord Injury Model System[...]