Communauté Vinci
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Auteur Martin Holderried |
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trié(s) par (Pertinence décroissant(e), Titre croissant(e)) Affiner la recherche
Ankel Tropitzsch ; Thorel Schade-Mann ; Philipp Gamerdinger ; Saskia Dofek ; Bjorn Schulte ; Martin Schulze ; Florian Battke ; Sarah Fehr ; Saskia Biskup ; Andreas Heyd ; Marcus Muller ; Hubert Lowenheim ; Barbara Vona ; Martin Holderried |Objectives: Hereditary hearing loss exhibits high degrees of genetic and clinical heterogeneity. To elucidate the population-specific and age-related genetic and clinical spectra of hereditary hearing loss, we investigated the sequencing data of[...]Article
Ankel Tropitzsch ; Thorel Schade-Mann ; Andreas Heyd ; Andreas Buchner ; Anke Lesinski-Schiedat ; Jennifer Harre ; Thomas Lenarz ; Petra Stobe ; Saskia Biskup ; Sarah Fehr ; Tobias B. Haack ; Bjorn Shulte ; Martin Schulze ; Saskia Dofek ; Philipp Gamerdinger ; Athanasia Warnecke ; Marcus Muller ; Barbara Vona ; Ernst Dahlhoff ; Hubert Lowenheim ; Martin Holderried |Objectives: The variability in outcomes of cochlear implantation is largely unexplained, and clinical factors are not sufficient for predicting performance. Genetic factors have been suggested to impact outcomes, but the clinical and genetic het[...]