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Auteur Pedro Lopez |
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Nathalia Trevisol de Oliveira ; Pedro Lopez ; Lucas Severo-Silveira ; Gabriel Peixoto Leão Almeida ; Bruno Manfredini Baroni |Objective Analyze whether the effects of lower limb resistance training on pain and self-reported function were associated with the exercise volume prescribed for women with patellofemoral pain (PFP). Methods A systematic search was undertaken i[...]Article
Rafael Grazioli ; Martinho Inácio ; Pedro Lopez ; Sandro R. Freitas ; Giovani dos Santos Cunha ; Carlos L.F. Machado ; Filipe Veeck ; Bruno Manfredini Baroni ; Eduardo L. Cadore ; Ronei Silveira Pinto |Background The effects of strength training on muscle strength imbalance are unclear in professional soccer players. As a result, this study examined the effects of an 8-week strength training program comprising eccentric-emphasized prone leg cu[...]